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Studies have proven that management styles, strategies, and approaches have a high impact on an organization’s climate which in turn impacts business performance. Also, the connection between management styles, strategies, and approaches, the passion of employees, and the impact on the bottom line has been described in several studies. Evidence of good management styles, strategies, and approaches on organizational performance, culture, employee engagement and motivation, and productivity is clear. Isn’t it?


The most effective managers know that successful leadership starts with looking in the mirror. Having engaged, trained, effective managers is good for everyone - it is good for people and organizations. And that is the true impact of effective management. But how can managers receive feedback and insight concerning their personal management styles, strategies, and approaches - and the impact of those styles, strategies and approaches on others' behavior and the organization?


To this end, the Management Impact Assessment® can be used. Management Impact Assessment is a feedback tool developed especially for mid- to lower-level managers and others with management responsibilities. Management Impact Assessment informs managers about their: management effectiveness along task, people, and personal criteria, impact on others, in terms of the extent to which they motivate and drive the people around them to behave in Constructive versus Defensive ways, and management approaches, in terms of the frequency with which they carry out their responsibilities in Facilitating versus Inhibiting ways.


Management Advisor’s approach regarding this solution consists of three (3) key steps, which are:


Step-1: Conduct the Management Impact(L/I) Assessment

Step-2: Conduct a Feedback Meeting

Step-3: Provide coaching and guidance


​For more information regarding this solution, please fill in your contact information below. We will then send you the requested information.

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