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5 Level Intro.jpeg

The subject of leadership is inexhaustible as everything rises and falls on leadership! If someone want to make a positive impact in the world, learning how to lead will help that person do it. A concept for learning how to become a better leader is “The 5 levels of Leadership”.


In a number of newsletter I will further elaborate on this ‘present-day leadership topic’. This is the first in a series. More will follow in the coming weeks.


The 5 Levels of Leadership unfolds leadership as a step-by-step process with discernible and definable stages. Maintaining a high level of leadership depends on influence rather than rank or title. Leadership is mainly about influence! If people can increase influence with others, they can lead more effectively.


Several benefits of the concept are:

The 5 Levels of Leadership Provides Clear Picture of Leadership

For many people, leadership is a theoretical exercise, an equation whose variables are worthy of research, study, and rigorous debate. In contrast, the 5 Levels of Leadership is visually straightforward, so anyone can learn it.


The 5 Levels of Leadership Defines Leading as a Verb, Not a Noun

Leadership is a process, not a position. There was a time when people used the terms leadership and management interchangeably. I think most people now recognize that there is a significant difference between these two. Management is at its best when things stay the same. It is about doing things right. Leadership deals with people and their dynamics, which are continually changing. It is about doing the right things. They are never static. The challenge of leadership is to create change and facilitate growth. Those require movement, which, as you will soon see, is inherent in moving up from one level of leadership to the next.


The 5 Levels of Leadership Breaks Down Leading into Understandable Steps

The subject of leadership can be overwhelming and confusing. Where does leadership start? What should we do first? What processes should we use? How can we gain influence with others? How can we develop a productive team? How do we help followers become leaders in their own right? The 5 Levels of Leadership gives answers to these questions using understandable steps.


The 5 Levels of Leadership Provides Clear Game Plan for Leadership Development

Good leadership isn’t about advancing yourself. It’s about advancing your team. The 5 Levels of Leadership provides clear steps for leadership growth. Lead people well and help members of your team to become effective leaders, and a successful career path is almost guaranteed.


The 5 Levels of Leadership Aligns Leadership Practices, Principles, and Values

The 5 Levels are conceived as practice and principles that could be used to lead more effectively. A practice is an action that may work in one situation but not necessarily in the another. A principle is an external truth that is as reliable as a physical law. Principles are important because they function like a map, allowing us to make wise decisions. If we embrace a principle and internalize it, it becomes a part of our values.


Source: ‘5 Levels of Leadership, by John Maxwell’.

July 2, 2019

Blog written by: Sherwin M. Latina

5 Levels of Leadership - an Introduction

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